The Miramar Food Pantry provides free food to all qualified* UCSB students to ensure Gauchos are food secure! Students can visit the pantry each day it is open. 

What is a Qualified* Student?

The Miramar Food Pantry is a free resource for all current and registered UCSB students. To receive food from the Miramar Food Pantry, there are two requirements:

  • Be a current registered UCSB Student, undergraduate or graduate. This is verified by your Perm Number with the Office of the Registrar.  Your Access Card is required to be shown to the desk staff each time you visit.
  • Complete this Self-Declaration of Income form (Registration). This needs to be filled out each academic school year.

In order to use the Miramar Food Pantry, you must make under $17,130 per year. This excludes family income, spousal income, financial aid, scholarships, TA-ship, and fellowships.

Where is it Located?

The Miramar Pantry is in the Sierra Madre Villages. Between the Rec Room and Fitness Center.

Please Contact: for more information.


day hours
Monday 4-7 p.m.
Tuesday 4-7 p.m.
Thursday 4-7 p.m.